Monthly Archives: November 2011

More to come soon.

Updates have been slow in coming, but never fear; more is almost here! Is that good grammar? Hmm. Well just thought I’d let you all know that more is on the way. Today is November 5th in the western hemisphere.  Now you know it’s recent and all. ; ) Come on back and feel free to comment and what you’d like to see or with any questions.

May all beings be well and at ease.


Jerrod Lopes, the author.

Occupy Reality

I’m starting a new movement called Occupy Reality. It’s got a clear message. Be a decent person and begin whatever change you think needs to occur by looking at and changing yourself first. As for me, I gotta learn not to get angry about stuff. What about you?

We humans tend to like to pull others down and inflate our own egos. We don’t always put ourselves up, sometimes we tear ourselves down too. If you can be really honest with yourself why it is you like or don’t like something, it will be much easier than you may have imagined to begin to change yourself. And change is infectious, just like a smile or misery. Be the change you want to see in the world, because one person CAN change the world just by changing themselves.